Monday, 11 February 2013

Quantum Psychology

Well there is a book by this name written 30 something year ago by Robert Anton Wilson & after reading it in one go I found a new dimension to understand our world & god so it says everything is kind of uncertain & flawed. Don’t worry I won’t summarize the book here so you can read it later; it’s a very good practice book which if practiced in an adult group will be more helpful. According to him belief is death of intelligence.

E-Prime is a version of English language which excludes all forms of verb (to be) example be, am, is, are, was, were, been etc. it is used as it is said to clarify thinking and helps in communicating speaker’s experience rather than judgment. For example the sentence “the film was good” could be translated as “I liked the film” as “the film made me laugh” in E Prime. It has been used in psychotherapeutic sessions by Alfred Korzybski with positive results. So try it make yourself better.

We try to understand everything with faculty of words while the best things in the world could only be felt; maybe we haven’t devised any language yet so powerful, so expressive to express it all & may be we won’t. When we say words like serene, eternal, peace, love etc sure we feel somewhat of the expression but the intensity of that feeling in every single human being is different which itself proves that we can’t understand everything by words we have to learn to listen to sound of silence by meditating, by gazing at stars in night, by sitting on a bank of a river, by sitting in a wild forest or something like that. Maybe one is able to express it all in words but what’s the possibility of the other person to understand it all. This is the beauty of this world that everything is uncertain that’s why I have started using “kind of” in my most of the sentences. There is a saying that only “change is constant”, finally we found something constant.

We all have been religious at one moment in our life, later on some becomes agnostic or maybe even atheist. Just like we could be racist or sexist today but maybe after watching a documentary on the subject we could change our stand. There is nothing 100% right or wrong; everything lies within.

Didn’t our attitude towards women changed after the Delhi’s brutal gang rape incident, even now we think before saying that you’re tom girl or tom boy. What was the plight of women in Europe hundreds of year ago; they were persecuted by naming them witches even in India; we mostly heard “Chudail” (Hindi slang for witch) & not a male ghost. When I was attending a volunteer workshop in Patanjali; a women asked Baba Ramdev why a great scholars like Chankaya (Kautilya) had misogynistic attitude towards women he replied that he was a man & at that time it was considered like normal. So he made a good point time & space does matters. What I am saying to you by writing now in words only explains my current state of mind, it could differ on the basis of my knowledge of English language itself, it depends on what context I am relating it, also whether it is formal or informal, so the moot point is that can you know exactly what I want to express. Maybe you have very intelligent mind, good knowledge to observe things from every possible aspect & good knowledge of English as well it doesn’t mean that I am also able to express it with such certainty, clarity of thought.

Try to remember when in theory exams you knew everything about the topic but you got 70% marks while there was one of your friends who don’t know much got 90%. You will probably say he(try to avoid the sexist thing as I can’t use everywhere he/she) has good handwriting, he is favorite of this teacher, the teacher is dumb, he has good command over English or whatever, I am not able to express properly. Is there any way to know the exact reason for it? No, but what we do is we try to find the best possible solution to the problem; tries very hard to improve it. I am writing it in your respect I never cared about it, also never will. And I know(kind of) that you are thinking that I have an attitude problem but to tell you truth(what is truth?) it is just that I am lazy(I want to delete it but how would you know what’s my intention maybe I just want to sound cool).

Something was acceptable/ was in fashion in 1920 but maybe not in 1990 however it may again come in 2020 & maybe the cycle may continue for eternity but again what is eternity, well it is said time without end in dictionary but who knows whether it is or not. So if we start to judge/compare Gandhi today with someone than wouldn’t it be wrong to do that. What was he at that time was the sum total of the all circumstances then & not just his personality which we often judge/ try to interpret. So the principle of comparing anyone to any other person just got failed due to this time & space thing. So now when your parents try to compare you with neighbor’s child, with your cousins don’t try to feed them this crap seriously they will spank you for sure(but how could I be sure, it couldn’t be even if I try it with my parents). So what’s the purpose in reading that book or reading my article that is the question which could only be asked to you because it will arise for sure after reading this?

When we try to explain God (see below this one for other blog posts), our feelings or laws of the nature we fail because we try it with faculty of words which are unstable in nature; one word may mean something today but it’s essence is lost with time as it comes to our slang dictionary (this is not in case of Sanskrit that’s why it has become best language for programming however still it is not in use). For example some Hindi words are today considered cheap & vulgar but the same words in English aren’t. Some time ago blacks were called nigger, then came the term Nigga which now means just brother or bro in America, now they call them colored people in which they have included us also. Same is the history of word Indian, some 200 years ago Indian means an offensive word used for uncivilized or barbarian people. That’s why there is Red Indian, land of Indians called as India (in which we take so much proud, sorry it doesn’t came from Indus valley) but if you try to find it in dictionary you won’t be able to find it. So everything does changes according to space & time. However there is not much change to feeling conveyed by the word let’s take one more example 100 year ago there were handicapped people then they became disabled but now they are differently abled/specially abled.

Also when we try to explain or observe anything what we generally do is collect data, which we then verify by putting it through various tests; finally we formulate a theory. We tried to make an attempt to convert a subjective data into objective information but there always remains something that’s why every single theory is based on assumptions still it has got exceptions.

So let’s see the relativity principle through the prism of philosophy, everybody knows that Gandhiji vowed not to lie after watching a film on king Harishchandra who sacrificed his son for the sake of truth. So if we compare who was more truthful, sure we will say both were; as Gandhji sacrificed our country for the sake of truth & non violence. But there again comes the time & space factor which is why there is no meaning in comparing the both.

The determining factor then there could only be Time & Space which in physics terms is called space-time in which there are three dimensions of space and fourth one is of time combined in single continuum to understand anything. Also there is special relativity which states that each point in the universe can have different set of events that compose its present instant. Also as subatomic particles can behave as particle & wave at the same time which further goes to parallel universe? Let’s limit ourselves to the core matter.

To an ant the world is altogether different than what it is for us; for the simple reason the relative size, biological composition, cognition power etc.

If we recall what we were told in our schooling days that if any object is green it’s not actually green but it seems to us to be so because it absorbs all the other frequencies & emits only representing green colour. If delve more on it there is no colour at all; it is mere frequency of light which could be wave or particle. Even we are made of atoms which have subatomic particles which can behave as wave or particle, which ultimately leads us to that even we are standing on a base which is not certain about itself. But one thing is certain that everything is energy which is just transforming into different forms & shades.

Maybe for some of who are reading or will be reading this it would be a well written piece of philosophy but for other it may be just another blog. May be in future it could be considered crap. So everything changes except the change in our semantic world in accordance with time & space.

Wait a minute the world started from no time & space according to current scientific society but maybe not, it could be perceived reality or it is perceived so due to no evidence to the contrary so again what is certain.

Also I may be thinking something different in my so called mind, maybe putting it differently due to my own ignorance which you the reader might be perceiving differently. So there is no method/ technique available to us through which we can cure our limitations or our differences of opinion which may be there but we can’t explain them.

We try to interpret this world & its phenomenon through the faculty of our brain/ mind. The world is so enormous so let us first try imagining the brain; can anybody do that if yes then try observe your brain imagining the brain itself (don’t try that hard it will pop out from your skull well it is poor & violent joke). For me the answer was of course plain no. And this is no meditation thing as per my knowledge. And those of you who were able to do it then please enlighten poor souls like me by explaining or by trying to explain this unexplainable phenomenon.

When I first encountered the word infinity in Mathematics class I was astonished by seeing the magic of zero as when we divide anything by zero it will become infinity while vice versa remains always zero. I started bothering my little brain with silly questions what goes on, where it goes on & why it go at all. But matter is who decided that it will be this or that on what basis & how could he be so sure about it. I know that now you want to kill me because I had the same feeling (when I was reading the book) towards the author. Sorry I forget to write kind of know as how could I possibly know what’s in your mind.


Try reading the book mentioned, watching 12 monkeys sort of movies, reading about parallel universe, twin paradox & all that. (If still your idea of sanity is not affected then Nothing it is not a conspiracy to turn you insane).you will have the idea I am talking about but it won’t be 100% it could be 70, 80 or 99.9 but it could never be 100. Now can you say you are honest, secular, or I may put certain about anything.

As there is a classic example of 15th century, there was a guy named Nicolo Machaivelle (often compared with our Chanakya) who wrote “The prince”. It was a masterpiece back then; used by almost all European Kings in governing; even now politician take help of it secretly (Indira Gandhi used it very well) but in 20th century it has got no more relevance than Mein Kamph by Adolf Hitler. There is uncertainty in the principle of certainty like impossible itself reads I m possible (another PJ but this time atleast I abstained from violence). In Bhagwad Gita it is said that what today is yours will be somebody else’s tomorrow…….

Are you f***ed up or need more. I didn’t intended to use the f word that’s why I used asterisk as this is kind of holy blog trying to solve the riddle of god but it doesn’t matter as I know you have already completed those asterisk with appropriate letters or maybe I meant something else & I wrote something else or you have understood something else what I didn’t intended at all. The thing is what is in there in my mind you can never know for sure even if I tell you due to law of uncertainty.

Also we have always understood this world in terms of spoken or you can say verbal/semantic terms. We call this planet as earth but we don’t know the exact name of it; if there is one. We can only see what we want to see or what others some intelligentsia group tell us to see otherwise we will be labeled as insane as majority decides what is normal and what is not.

But our feelings are genuine though not explainable easily in words. From the very beginning we formulated languages to communicate our feelings they are not discoveries, they are mere human inventions which goes on like our infinity. Even we can invent new words but they will be recognized only when the majority the intelligentsia group will approve by writing/ using it in newspapers, books, articles etc. Even you can form thousands of words on your own but they will be acceptable only when majority will approve of it so what about the minority. So I want to make a small point that our reality is manmade. Even anybody can name numerous examples confirming it but we are not able to relate to it.

According to quantum psychology due to Aristotelian conditioning we only judge every single entity as either you are religious or not, as he said either you are or you not. According to him there was nothing in-between everything was certain. But the simple logic can answer all the questions if X can cure my illness then he is doctor for me and it doesn’t matter whether he possess any degree or not. As there are numerous cases where patient dies due to ignorance of doctors & quacks treating incurable disease, also these are well documented as well and the writer of the book was also suffering from polio which was cured by some quack but wasn’t by mainstream doctor with degree. So if anybody asks you what’s your age normally you say like this I am 23 years old but technically you are wrong however you can’t avoid it as it would be a nuisance to say that I am 23 year 7 month 13 days 7 hours 23 minutes 53 secs …. old at Indian standard time (+5.30 Greenwich Mean Time) 5 past 30 min past 37 secs…. On 10th February 2013 according to Space-time (it doesn’t belong to any living person, but if it is then it is purely coincidental now I feel like king of comedy’s Rupert Pumpkin).

So if I say that Reality itself is the biggest illusion then it would be no wrong. You define yours, I do for mine. We both could be wrong and right according to different space time. If I may be allowed to say that no one is insane in this world it is just matter of space-time; his/her perception about this world is altogether different than ours but we can never say which one is real or true it just depends upon in which space time what majority decides what is real.

Even reality can change for any person in fraction of minutes, say at 23 past 59 it is 11th of February but what it will become after just 60 seconds it will be 12th of February. For me in Delhi it may be night and for Tom cruise in America; it could be kind of opposite. Even un-operational watch shows correct time twice a day however there is no mechanical activity happening in the watch. For some people Chetan Bhagat is a good writer but critics & all renowned writers don’t even consider that person to be a writer. For me 100 rupees are nothing but for a rural boy it could buy him a feast.

But for energy there is no time-space or relativity phenomenon as it is always energy at subatomic level, we may see it as a cow, stone, car or anything for that matter but sub atomically all is same which I consider to be as God. And god as to energy but it doesn’t matter at all and for why see my below mentioned blogs as I don’t want to repeat myself.

Those who liked this stuff can read his other books as well The Illuminatus Trilogy & Prometheus Rising. The trilogy (as the name suggests consists of three books but now are also available as one book) as the name suggests deals with conspiracies theories of secret societies; later one is kind of self help book. Both are very good book, though I haven’t read but I know they are good.

And the reason I wrote this post/article in this blog is that the current one is like a sea in which the other posts of this blogs are like whales moving in different directions.